Cheers to Living Your Dream... |
I've been blogging on my photography facebook page, but I have some clients and family/friends who are not fans of facebook (how could you not love the narcissistic world of facebook)? So this will be another place I can share some of my work, thoughts and get feedback from my biggest supporters.
Since bloggers tend to ramble this is the perfect place for me. This blog came about tonight when instead of doing the editing I should be doing I got distracted by a blog that one of my closest friends just started. She and her husband will soon be living their dream of sailing around the world on a 28 foot sailboat. I thought how cool that must be to sail from island to island, seeing the world, living your dream, meeting people from all walks of life. Then she, myself and two other friends (pictured above) went on a snorkeling trip and she showed us the size of the actual boat she would be living on. That paired with an episode of
The Deadliest Catch (granted she won't be sailing the Bering Sea but it still freaked me out), imagining my family of four and remembering that (1) I get seasick on catamarans and more importantly (2) that I can barely survive the witching hour for 2 hours in my bigger than 28 foot house before my husband gets home from work was reason enough that suburban life is more my speed. I'll happily live vicariously through her travels.
So I'll keep to living my own dream--my absolute love and passion of photography. I will update this blog with photos, but I have way too much editing I should be doing tonight. So for now...check out my website
http://www.jeanneparadiseking.com/ or facebook for samples. I promise when I need a distraction (which happens often) I will start updating. First I need to figure out how to navigate this blog.